ELTACon 2024

12 December 2024, Paris, France

Venue: Pan Piper, 2-4 Imp. Lamier, 75011 Paris, France

Call for speakers and sponsors for ELTACon 2024

Take part in ELTA’s annual flagship event providing unparalleled network opportunities and sharing of best practices among the legal tech community.

What to expect?

  • Full-Day Conference
  • Networking Lunch
  • ELTA Awards & Cocktails
  • 300+ delegates
  • 60+ speakers
  • 13 sessions

Get Involved

Call for Speakers

  • Have you launched a new tech product?
  • Do you have a customer case study you can share?
  • Are you a pioneer in legal tech?

If you answered ‘yes’ to any of the questions above, please get in touch – we would love to explore having you involved in our agenda.

Call for Sponsors

Would you like to amplify your brand among the legal tech community?

We have a range of sponsorship options available.

Register to Attend

Registrations for ELTACon are now open. Follow the link below to book.